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Pravidla péče o vlnité vlasy: tvorba vln

Rules for caring for wavy hair: creating waves

Wavy Hair Care Rules: How to Create Perfect Waves Wavy and curly hair not only requires proper hydration, but also enough protein to maintain its shape. If your hair lacks the right balance of h...

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Pravidla péče a vlnité vlasy: Mytí a rozčesávání

Care rules and wavy hair: Washing and combing

Curly and wavy hair can be beautiful, but it can also be high maintenance. Proper care for this hair type requires some attention and specific products. In this article, we will look at 4 essentia...

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Proč ty vlasy vypadají vždy tak skvěle? Tajný trik našich kadeřníků!

Why does your hair always look so great? Our hairdressers' secret trick!

How does it actually work? Label.M Protein Spray is an advanced professional hair product that is specifically designed to nourish, strengthen and protect hair. It is packed with proteins that aim...

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Příčíny mastných vlasů

Causes of increased sebum production on the scalp

Causes of increased sebum production on the scalp Excessive sebum production on the scalp is a common problem that can affect the appearance of the hair, its health and overall comfort. This excess...

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Správné vysoušení vlasů

The importance of properly drying your hair and scalp

Maintaining the health of your hair and scalp is crucial to its beauty and vitality. One step that many people underestimate is properly drying your hair and scalp after washing. This process can h...

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Příčiny vypadávání vlasů

Causes of hair loss: What is normal and what should worry us?

Hair loss is a natural process that happens to all of us, even several times a day. Many people may be concerned when they see a lost hair on their comb, but most cases of hair loss are not a cause...

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Lupy, svědivá a citlivá pokožka, proč je máme?

Dandruff, itchy and sensitive skin, why do we have them?

What is dandruff and why does it form? Dandruff is a common problem that affects many people. These tiny white or yellow flakes form on the scalp and can be caused by a number of factors. Understa...

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Už dost třepení konečků!

Enough with the split ends!

Split ends are a common problem that affects many people and can be a source of frustration. This condition not only ruins the appearance of your hair, but can also indicate that it is weak and dam...

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Přírodní hnědé vlasy po použití LABEL.M stylingu l tenpocit

What order should I choose when using the products? Why is it important?

Are you washing your hair and wondering how to achieve the best results? The key is to use the right order of hair products: shampoo, mask, and conditioner.

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